Recruitment Training for Consultants

Developing high-value relationships between recruitment consultants and clients

7 Secrets To Successful Full Desk Recruiting

As a full-desk recruiter, you are working both sides of the desk. That means sourcing candidates to fill roles while also building up a solid talent list and also sourcing clients and collecting job orders.

You are always selling but each approach requires different skills and subtleties. You will be working autonomously, not relying on salespeople to pull in your clients for you or other recruiters to find suitable candidates.

It’s on you, from start to finish. Sounds lonely and gruelling but with these recruitment training tips you can help make it successful and rewarding.

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7 Secrets to Successful Full Desk Recruiting

No More ‘Spray And Pray’

This method of throwing your services everywhere, trying to reach as many clients and candidates as possible and hoping to get a nibble just isn’t smart anymore. Yes, you might reach many people but it doesn’t give you the best opportunity to actually develop strong relationships. You might also find your hits are not the right ones for you, not in your areas of strength. It is better to narrow your focus to a certain niche and devote your time to that particular industry.

Become The Industry Expert

The above brings us to this absolutely essential characteristic of a successful recruiter. Know. Your. Industry. You want to become known as an authority within your niche. If you know your industry backwards, the big players, the key HR people in each of those, if you understand the ebbs and flows of those businesses you are primed to be the go-to man on both sides of the desk. Clients will come to you because they trust you know what you are doing. Candidates will come to you because they know you have the ins with the best roles in the industry.

Develop High-Value Partnerships

These first two tips lead to this third and again should be at the forefront of every recruiter’s goal-setting mindset. It is time to move away from transactional relationships and into long-term, high-value partnerships with clients. If a client sees that you understand their business, if they TRUST that you know their business then they will come to you with the expectation you have the right person to fill their needs. And once that trust is established these relationships are forged into something long-term and beneficial to both.

Get That Referral

There is no better foot in the door than a referral from a colleague or a trusted business. So no matter whether you have placed a candidate or filled a job always at the very least ask for the referral. This endorsement is your best introduction to a prospective client or candidate. Even better if you can get an email introduction or have them make a call on your behalf. It is easy to say no to your inquiry but they will find it much harder to ignore a recommendation from someone they trust.

Set Daily Goals

You need discipline with your recruitment strategy and that means goal setting. You need to know how many calls you will make each day. If you get a no, don’t take the easy route of a break and a breath. Pick up the phone and go again. With each call you are closer to the ‘YES’. And no matter how busy you are you also need time each and every day to prospect businesses and candidates. The more of each you have the more deals you broker. Set goals. Each Day. Hit them.

Embrace the No

You could be the best full-desk recruiter in your agency and you are still going to hear ‘no thanks’ over and over again. Learning to deal with rejection and moving on quickly and seamlessly needs to happen. Full-desk recruiting might not be for you if you do not handle rejection well.

Never Stop Learning

Industries change, best practices evolve, technology continues to soar and the best recruiter is always moving with the times. This takes constant growth through learning. Along with keeping ahead of the pack as industries change recruiters should always be improving other aspects of their arsenal such as presentation skills, negotiation skills and prospecting. Growth and learning create hunger and success.



Our Recruitment Training For Consultants Fundamentals

The Best Consultants Fundamentals


The owners of Elevate are also its trainers. That means we’re 100 percent committed to getting results, otherwise, we get no business. That breeds brilliant customer service. But more than that we get a thrill watching your business thrive on the back of our recruitment consultant training.


We know the game, we have more than 30 years of combined experience in sales and recruitment companies. Our workshops are not borne from theory and textbooks but from real-life experience doing what you are doing. That’s why we know it works.


We are not like other recruitment consultant training companies that run you through a workshop and send you on your way. We pride ourselves on achieving the best results through ongoing coaching, making sure what was learned was put into place.


There are no straight ‘off the shelf’, one size fits all training methods anywhere to be seen at Elevate. We understand every recruitment business is different and we design our courses and workshops uniquely to where you have the greatest need.


Our wholistic approach, our ability to work with all levels of the company from the CEO through to the consultants themselves ensures buy in from the entire business. With the entire company on board results achieved will sky rocket.


At the core of what we will teach your consultants is the move away from transactional relationships into high-value, long term partnerships with clients. This change in mindset can overhaul your business and send revenue soaring.

Want to know more about how Elevate can help your team improve performance, create better outcomes and find more fulfilment in their roles?

10 Fundamentals of 360 Recruiting

Below are what we believe to be the 10 Fundamentals of Successful 360 Recruiting, which is the foundation upon which our training is built.

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The 10 Fundamentals of 360 Recruiting

Building Relationships

Full-desk recruiting is a long-term process. It starts by building relationships. Building your contact list both online and offline means investing the time to network and nurture these relationships.

For candidates, LinkedIn is a great resource to get started. Searching by specific job titles and industries can help you find regional candidates. An engaging invitation on LinkedIn can interest the people you’re really trying to reach: those who aren’t active job seekers but have the skills you need.  Another good source is Facebook groups which you can target by industry. An advantage you have over in-house recruiters is that candidates can reach out to you privately without jeopardizing their current positions.

For company solicitations, industry events and business conferences can help to make a personal connection.  Offer to make presentations at conferences and events to establish yourself as an expert. While you will show your skills and share your expertise, this should not be a sales pitch. Provide valuable information that the audience can use. It’s okay to dangle an offer at the end, such as a free evaluation or analysis.

Contributing articles to industry websites with your byline (and your company name) can help establish your credibility. It demonstrates your expertise and it also showcases your thought leadership when people do an online search for you and your business.

Referrals Are Gold

Whether you’re hunting for companies or candidates, your best source is referrals. If you have placed a candidate or filled a job, always ask for a referral. This endorsement can open doors you might never be able to get through otherwise. If possible, see if they are willing to make a call or email introduction to start the conversation. It’s easy for people to say no to your inquiry, but hard for them to ignore a colleague.

Target Specific Categories Of Business

When you’re targeting employers, it’s helpful to focus on categories of business. Start by searching category industry listings to get a sense of the jobs companies are trying to fill. Taking a look at job sites in specific industries can show you the jobs similar companies are trying to fill. If you see a lot of listings for a specific job, you can bet most companies are always on the lookout for talent in these areas. This helps when you make the initial contact.

Focus on specific industries at times. The more calls you make in a niche, the better you will understand that industry. You’ll start to hear the same concerns and issues. This helps you find the pain point that you can solve. This goes for employers and job candidates as well.

No More Cold Calls

With the ease of getting information online, you should never have to make a cold call again. Doing a Google search, looking at a company’s website, public filings, or financial statements, can give you the relevant business context that justifies the call for the for personnel requirements. This will better prepare you to have a VBR (Valid Business Reason) for making a call.

Just a tiny bit of research can turn a cold call into a warm one. Calling and saying you have a pool of candidates for that exact opening they have listed will get their attention more than just a standard solicitation.

Keep Them Warm

Once you identify a hot prospect, make sure you have regular touches. Whether it’s calling one more time, drip-feeding industry information or job-specific information, you need to make sure you remain top-of-mind for when they are in the decision-making phase.  

Don’t Sweat The No

No matter how good you are, you are going to hear a lot of “no thanks” from both businesses and candidates. If you can’t handle the rejection, being a full-deck recruiter is going to be tough going.

Set Daily Goals

Email marketing campaigns can be efficient, but only if highly targeted and personalized. The average person deletes nearly half of all emails they get each day and they do that in less than 5 minutes. Anything that sounds or looks like a generic solicitation for job candidates or employers will hit the trash can before being opened.

Be careful how much you write. After all, the job of an email is to evoke interest and get them to engage. Your instinct may be to tell them a lot about what you can do, but research shows the more you write, the less likely you are to get a response. A 2,000-word email is actually less effective than a 25-word email. Emails of roughly one paragraph (50-125) do the best. If you can’t get their attention in a couple of sentences, they probably are hitting that delete button anyway.

Email Can Work (But Only If You Do It Right)

When you do get a no, take a breath, then jump right back in. If you’re using the phone, don’t put the receiver back on the hook. It’s too easy to take a break. Keep it in your hand and dial the next number on your list. After all, every call you make gets you closer to a yes.  No matter how busy you are, set aside time to prospect candidates and businesses every day. There is a direct relationship between the number of opportunities in your pipeline and the number of deals you close.

Your recruitment strategy needs to be disciplined.  This means setting goals as well as regular recruitment training and coaching.

When You Get An Inquiry, Respond Quickly

When they reach out to you, that’s a hot lead. Don’t let it cool off. A Harvard Business Review study showed that 47% of companies contacted didn’t respond for 24 hours or never responded at all! Call back within an hour and your closing rates will increase. The study showed that companies calling within 60 minutes were 7 times more likely to have a meaningful conversation with a decision-maker.

Always Ask For Two Things

No matter what you do, when you get an employer or candidate on the phone always do these two things:

  1. Ask for the Business
  2. Ask for Referrals

You have already invested the time in hunting them down and getting them on the phone.  Asking for the business will help you gauge where they are in the decision process.  That’s important information for you to know as it helps you qualify prospects and importance. Even if they have no interest, asking them if they know anybody else that could use your service might yield a lead that comes with an implied endorsement.

A solid recruitment strategy, including recruitment training, coaching, and goal setting, can yield strong results.

Elevate’s Recruitment Training for Consultants Services

Who uses Recruitment Training?

We believe that running a 360 Recruitment Desk is essentially building a business.

Recruitment Training involves the strategy and implementation techniques that replicates business coaching. All recruitment and search firms can benefit from Elevate Recruitment Training to engage and focus their most valuable business assets – their consultants!!

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When is Recruitment Training for Consultants required?

Recruitment training for consultants can vary depending on what stage the consultant has their desk at, and where they believe it will be operating at optimum level.

At all stages of the process, there is a requirement to optimise the process to be more profitable and then scalable.

Our best recruitment training is custom built, acknowledging the current status of the consultants’ desk and the agreed optimum level that we expect to get to.

We work with consultants on the both strategic planning and on the implementation.

What does the Recruitment Training for Consultants look like?

We have identified through our own trainer’s experience and the experience of the recruitment companies we work closely with, the common criteria that define top billers.

Our recruitment training breaks down these fundamental techniques which include the sales techniques needed to grow the patch’s revenue and scope.

Understanding your client and your client’s business

The best recruiters work in partnership with their clients. They are a part of their team. A valued team member has a clear understanding of what the client wants and why. We look at the critical path that moves away from transactional, reactive recruitment and define a path that displays the characteristics of a client recruiter partnership.

Defining Recruitment Account Growth Plans

When we look at a recruitment desk or patch as a business, the account growth plans are, quite simply, the business plans for the patch, and the career plan for the consultant. We work with consultants to give structure and direction to growth strategies based on weekly, monthly and quarterly activity basis.

Account Management and Revenue Optimisation

This core competency is what registers the success of the above workshop – Defining Recruitment Account Growth PlansThis allows consultants and managers to see the financial indicators that have transpired through the delivery of growth plans.

This is an agile process. We address sticking to a growth plan but having the agility to adjust based on real market conditions. We look at the smart responses consultants can adopt to manage recruitment freezes, market downturns, PSA’s and even recessions.

Demonstrating Thought Leadership and being the Subject Matter Expert

This core competency is what registers the success of the above workshop – Defining Recruitment Account Growth PlansThis allows consultants Career recruiters are the ones that are valued the most by clients. They are subject matter experts in their industry. There is a unique knowledge that a recruiter has access to. They hold influence over the candidate’s perception of the client and the client’s perception of the candidate. The best recruiters understand that they hold influence. They have an opinion, they are not simply yes men. They understand that it is their obligation to use their knowledge and skills to influence a positive outcome. We look at the ongoing communication strategies that build this persona in the market.

Presenting Benefits, Matching Needs

Reassessing and optimising the way we interview candidates and conduct client meetings is a necessary part of a consultant development. We talk about moving away from transactional/reactive recruitment but often still work off client/candidate forms that only allow for transactional detail. We help consultants walk away with a better understanding of the real personal and commercial needs for all involved.

Teamwork – Working Smart as Part of Larger Practice

We work with individual consultants to understand the benefits of synergies. How do we utilise benefits of synergies and minimise the risks of negative referrals? This is a challenge that works beyond a consultant level, but the best recruitment businesses are ones that can cross sell with confidence.

What can your recruitment company expect to receive from our Recruitment Training for Consultants?

We believe that recruitment is one of the most rewarding and lucrative industries to be part of when everything is working. When it is not, it is a brutal existence.

We work with consultants on the concept and the belief being a ‘career recruiter’.

Recruitment Companies will be investing in a methodology and practice that will have consultants who are:

  • motivated to put plans into action
  • expecting to be the best in their game and paid accordingly
  • continually improving the way they develop business, interact with clients and candidates
  • investing in their team and practice
  • are smart business growth strategists and exceptional time managers
  • excited by workload, not stressed by it. The busier they are, the more successful they are.
  • respected, trusted and valued by clients, candidates, team and bosses alike.

Our Elevated Sales Development Recruitment Training for Consultants will help set the base for all the above.

We work with consultants to set these foundations through workshops, and offer ongoing training and support at an individual, team and practice level. We too are accountable.

Our recruitment training is run in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and Canberra but we can travel to any part of Australia to run our workshops so please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Customised Workshops to Suit Your Unique Business Needs

Coaching for Performance

Objective: For Managers and Team Leaders to learn how to effectively coach and develop team members. This drives performance and helps motivate and retain employees.

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Coaching is about empowering our staff to create a culture of performance.

Manager and Leader as Coach
How coaching can drive improved performance and results
What is coaching?
The coaching mindset
Uncovering potential
The GROW coaching structure
Mentoring and coaching
Technology and coaching
Feedback, reviews and coaching
Practical coaching exercises and simulations

High Performing Teams

Objective: For recruitment teams to identify what high performance is to them and agree set of goals and a strategy to get there. Focus on improving performance and measuring success.

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Defining High Performance – what do you want to achieve?
What is high performance to this team?
Why teams matter, why we work in teams
The role of culture and its impact on high performance
The team brand – how we are perceived
What this means to us as individuals
What this means to us as individuals
Where are we now? How can we move to the next stage?
Measuring progression from stage to stage
Incorporating the strategy
The importance of role clarity
Candid and constructive communication
Action planning and next steps

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Objective: Developing a culture of feedback is the ultimate gift to any team. A team who openly and regularly seeks out feedback from one another and from external…

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sources enjoys greater performance, respect and deeper, more meaningful relationships that last. We explore the best way to give and receive feedback as well as set goals to help encourage the process.

Why feedback is important
The role of self awareness
Perspective and ego
Receiving feedback
Giving feedback
Giving negative feedback
Practical Exercises

Time and Self Management

Objective: Improving effectiveness and reducing stress associated with running a desk and managing other consultants. This course can be run for new managers but is developed…

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from another course designed for anyone looking to become more effective.

Defining our work
Creating a default diary
Developing a time management system
The role of delegation
Getting in the zone

Resiliency Training

Objective: In this workshop we explore techniques to build resilience. We understand the “why” of what we do and how it helps us to stay the course when times are tough.

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We explore the mindset required to develop hardiness and achieve our collective goals. This course is suitable for anyone who faces challenges in their roles.

What is resilience
Begin with the end in mind
Accepting the past
Developing a sense of purpose
Keeping perspective
Your support network
Resilience case studies

Management Essentials

Objective: To provide the basic essentials required to manage and lead others. This course is specifically targeted at new and upcoming leaders. We focus on how we communicate, motivate and work as a team

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Developing a Team Vision
Difficult Conversations
Assertive Communication Techniques
Motivational Drivers

Building a Robust Culture

Objective: In this workshop we explore what makes a good company culture, how to assess your existing company culture and explore ways to implement a robust, collaborative and inspiring company culture.

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This course is suitable for anyone managing teams and small to medium sized business owners.

Assessing company culture
Defining ideal company culture
Contributing factors
Culture strategies
Implementing a positive culture

Crafting Your Purpose: Pre-work

Complimentary Worksheet!

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Crafting Your Purpose


What is Recruitment Training?

At Elevate we believe each consultant’s desk is like its own business. They have their own clients and they have their own product (their candidates). The success of that business is completely dependent on the effectiveness of the person running that business. At Elevate we believe in creating ‘career consultants’: Individuals driven to be the ‘go to’ person in their industry for both candidates and clients alike.

Why is Recruitment Training important?

Motivating and retaining staff can be difficult in any industry. The more you are able to invest in the development of your people the more return you will see and the more likely they are to feel fulfilled in their roles.

Does Recruitment Training work?

Absolutely. We have worked with many recruitment companies and in every case have received incredible stories of success from techniques and behaviors we have implemented.

Who should undertake the training?

We have courses targeted at resourcers, recruitment consultants and recruitment managers. We recommend all levels be developed where possible.

Can the training be tailored for different recruitment companies?

All of our training is tailored to the needs of each business because no two companies have the same needs. Nothing off the shelf!

What benefits should I expect to see after SaleWhat key learning will recruiters come away with?

Building relationships is key. Our focus is on helping consultants find their niche, become famous in that niche and grow a desk that becomes extremely profitable for themselves and the business. We train an array of techniques and behaviors to achieve this outcome.

What does an ROI look like after Recruitment Training?

We see dramatic improvements in new client numbers, job placements made, PSAs signed and reductions in staff turnover as a result of our recruitment training programs.

Want to know more about how Elevate can help your team improve performance, create better outcomes and find more fulfilment in their roles?

Interested? Get in touch with one of our trainers today to see how we can help you.

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