Leadership Training

Empowering your people through Effective Management
Turning your managers into Inspirational Leaders
Creating the Cultural Change your business needs today


The Eight Skills Vital For A Good Manager

It’s said that people don’t leave companies.  They leave bad managers.  If you want to recruit and retain the best employees, you need to have great managers.  They need the leadership skills to motivate and inspire teams to maximise performance.

Here are the common traits all great managers demonstrate:

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The Eight Skills Vital For An Effective Manager

They Can Sell The Vision

Great managers provide a clear strategy for their teams.  Not only can they articulate the goals, but they can also explain the “why” behind them.  They are driven to succeed and know their success depends on others. 

Great managers and leaders are persuasive and can rally people behind a common mission.  They present ideas with enthusiasm and conviction and work hard to get buy-in from the team.

They Show A Genuine Concern For Employees

They show a human touch in dealing with people.  They demonstrate genuine concern for employees in a variety of ways.  Not only do they help provide training and guidance for career advancement, but they also look for ways to recognise individual and team contributions.  They also understand that life sometimes intrudes on work and make allowances when they can.

They show appreciation for their team and take the time to recognise and celebrate accomplishments.

They Are Strong Communicators

Great managers are great communicators.  While they may not always make popular decisions, they take the time to listen to other viewpoints and gather information and then explain their decisions.  They know it is not about simply telling people what to do, but explaining it in a way so the truly understand the reason behind the decision.

They Are Outcome Oriented

They never lose sight of the end goal.  While they are compassionate and respectful, they know that their job is to move the company forward.  Nice guys can finish first, but only if they get the job done.

They work hard, and they work fast.  They empower their teams and avoid micromanaging.  Great managers focus on vision and goals while letting employees focus on execution.  They understand it’s more about getting others to understand the reason behind those goals so they can make independent decisions to support it.

They Train, Teach And Coach Constantly

Emerging leaders in your organisation need leadership coaching and leadership training.  The best managers can identify emerging leaders and provide them with growth opportunities.  Training alone, however, is not enough.  Employees need the right tools and framework to initiate change.

Effective management and leadership training must be designed to change behavior.  Great managers not only provide leadership training for employees but establish a framework for change.  They focus not just on the end goals but break down the interim steps it takes to achieve the goals.  They also provide measurement and tracking mechanisms to provide effective management.

Great managers help their teams develop the skills they need to advance their careers by providing clear expectations and honest performance feedback.  They take the time to tell the team what they need to hear and not what they want to here. 

They Are Willing To Roll Up Their Sleeves And Get To Work

They are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done and they are not afraid to get their hands dirty.  Pitching in and working side-by-side with them makes it easier to ask them to do their jobs.

Managers need a grasp of technical skills to do the job.  While they don’t need to know every detail or nuance of every job, they understand what it takes to get the job done and the things that can interfere with completion.

They Are Strong Decision Makers

While they have to be able to delegate in order to provide effective management, they don’t delegate key decisions.  The best managers seek input and collaboration but are strong decision makers.  They gather the key data points they need and make quick decisions to set the course.

They also work to make sure team members have a clear understanding of who and how decisions are made.  Is it a decision that they are empowered to make, that they can make with my input, that I will make with their input, or that I will make alone?

They Realise Culture Is Everything

We spend way too much of our lives at work.  It needs to be about more than just getting a paycheck.  Teams need to believe their work is doing good and not just making money for someone else.

They create a climate of trust.  When employees know their manager will support them even when they make mistakes, employers are more loyal and willing to work harder.  Conversely, employees are less willing to take risks when they are worried about the consequences.  When things don’t go according to plan, strong managers take responsibility.  While they hold employees accountable, they take personal responsibility when things go wrong.

If you can get people to buy into the company culture, and stay true to it even in tough times, you can create tremendous loyalty.  It makes for happier and more productive employees.  It cuts down on turnover.  It weeds out those that don’t buy in.

When everybody understands what drives success and their role in that success, they are more engaged. Great managers know that culture really is everything.

A Rare Breed

Great managers are a rare breed.  They must be honest and empathetic.  They must be emotionally intelligent.  They must be passionate.   They must be strong decision makers and they must be willing to do the hard work others won’t do.  They must inspire and lead.  They know how to get the best out of their teams.

While many of these traits may be innate, they can (and must) be developed over time, especially for emerging leaders.  They need mentoring and nurturing.  They need leadership training and leadership coaching courses to grow.
It is our job to provide them with the tools they need to be successful, whether they are in Melbourne, Sydney or anywhere else in Australia.

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The Best Leadership Training Plan


Our trainers have been leaders in their industries for more than 30 years. We know where poor managers fall over and where effective managers shine. We make sure yours will shine.


We pride ourselves on the ability to instil a cultural shift within your business. A culture of open communication, of giving and receiving feedback will change the way your business operates.


Our trainers are the owners of the business, meaning they are 100% committed to you as clients and the results you see from the training. Our customer service reflects that.


We don’t just improve the skills of mangers who have been leading for years. We want to target your emerging talent, those earmarked to be managers, and make sure they hit the ground running.


One of the benefits of leadership training with Elevate is that nothing is off the shelf. Our workshops will be designed specifically for your business and your leaders. This is not a one-size fits all operation. 


This may sound a bit fluffy for the hardcore business world but it does wonders for your bottom line. We will train managers to empower their teams. Happy workers earn you the big dollars and watch staff retention go through the roof.  

Our Leadership Training Services

Our leadership training teaches managers how to empower their teams.
Help your emerging talent become exceptional leaders as they learn to motivate through communication and cultural change.

When do you need Leadership Training in your business?

When your business is suffering a crisis of communication, or more accurately a lack thereof

When your newly promoted managers are suffering under the weight of their new roles

When you have earmarked emerging talent in your ranks and want to make sure they are ready to become exceptional managers right away

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Re-aligning Leadership Skills

These are the key issues we address during leadership training, the results of which will transform your business with an empowered workforce and improved team function.

So often businesses fail to reach their full potential, revenues start falling and workplaces become toxic. Much of this can stem from the relationship mangers have with their teams.

Management Essentials

So often it is assumed someone will make a good leader because they excelled in a previous operational role. Often that is not the case.

We want your emerging leaders, the rising stars you have earmarked to manage, to be on the front foot as soon as they assume the extra responsibility.

Management effectiveness is not all intuition and natural authority, much of it has to be learned so we focus on aspects of leaderships such as developing a team vision, difficult conversations, assertive communication techniques and motivational drivers.

Communication Is Key

When team relationships are faltering, when there is a distinct lack of communication between leaders and their teams targets are rarely hit and staff turnover is high.

Our leadership training courses aim to develop a far more harmonious workplace by teaching managers how to get the best out of their team.

This is not micro-managing and this is not about managers sitting down and telling their team what to do. It is about once again opening those lines of communication, developing trust and respect and once again setting your teams in motion. 

The Importance of Feedback

We believe that developing a culture of feedback is one of the greatest tools we can offer any business, and it is at the core of much of our training.

We believe a team who regularly and openly seek out feedback from one another will see a huge boost in performance. Not only that but respect and deeper, more meaningful relationships will develop between managers and their teams.

This is part of a serious cultural shift we can train your managers to bring on board within your organisation.

Time Management

A manager under stress manages poorly. 

We provide a framework for leaders to manage their workflow in a manner that alleviates any real time stress they may have.

When managers feel they have come up for air, that they have time to work through their tasks the atmosphere of an office changes and they lead their teams more effectively.

Uniquely Yours

Every business is different, we get that. It is part of what sets Elevate apart when it comes to their leadership training courses.

We take a deep look at your business and in consultation with yourselves we cater a unique set of workshops aimed at the areas of most need.

This targeted training increases the effectiveness of what is learned, providing real ROI in a short period of time.
So get in touch with us to find out how we can create superior leaders in your business today


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Customised Workshops to Suit Your Unique Business Needs

Coaching for performance

Objective: For Managers and Team Leaders to learn how to effectively coach and develop team members. This drives performance and helps motivate and retain employees.

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Coaching is about empowering our staff to create a culture of performance.

Manager and Leader as Coach
How coaching can drive improved performance and results
What is coaching?
The coaching mindset
Uncovering potential
The GROW coaching structure
Mentoring and coaching
Technology and coaching
Feedback, reviews and coaching
Practical coaching exercises and simulations
High Performing Teams

Objective: For recruitment teams to identify what high performance is to them and agree set of goals and a strategy to get there. Focus on improving performance and measuring success.

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Defining High Performance – what do you want to achieve?
What is high performance to this team?
Why teams matter, why we work in teams
The role of culture and its impact on high performance
The team brand – how we are perceived
What this means to us as individuals
What this means to us as individuals
Where are we now? How can we move to the next stage?
Measuring progression from stage to stage
Incorporating the strategy
The importance of role clarity
Candid and constructive communication
Action planning and next steps
Giving and Receiving Feedback

Objective: Developing a culture of feedback is the ultimate gift to any team. A team who openly and regularly seeks out feedback from one another and from external…

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sources enjoys greater performance, respect and deeper, more meaningful relationships that last. We explore the best way to give and receive feedback as well as set goals to help encourage the process.

Why feedback is important
The role of self awareness
Perspective and ego
Receiving feedback
Giving feedback
Giving negative feedback
Practical Exercises
Time & Self Management

Objective: Improving effectiveness and reducing stress associated with running a desk and managing other consultants. This course can be run for new managers but is developed…

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from another course designed for anyone looking to become more effective.

Defining our work
Creating a default diary
Developing a time management system
The role of delegation
Getting in the zone
Resilience Training

Objective: In this workshop we explore techniques to build resilience. We understand the “why” of what we do and how it helps us to stay the course when times are tough.

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We explore the mindset required to develop hardiness and achieve our collective goals. This course is suitable for anyone who faces challenges in their roles.

What is resilience
Begin with the end in mind
Accepting the past
Developing a sense of purpose
Keeping perspective
Your support network
Resilience case studies
Management Essentials

Objective: To provide the basic essentials required to manage and lead others. This course is specifically targeted at new and upcoming leaders. We focus on how we communicate, motivate and work as a team

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Developing a Team Vision
Difficult Conversations
Assertive Communication Techniques
Motivational Drivers


What is Leadership Training?

Leadership Training is about understanding people. We focus on understanding ourselves, understanding others and how we communicate and collaborate. How do we empower our staff and unite our people to achieve outcomes not possible without it.

Why is Leadership Training important?

Our business leaders carry a massive amount of responsibility. They have a responsibility to themselves, their bosses, their reports, their families etc. Too often it is assumed someone will be an excellent leader just because they excelled in their last operational role. But like any skill, leadership needs to be taught. Not training our leaders to lead is the equivalent of not training our forklift drivers to drive a forklift.

Does Leadership Training work?

It’s a process. Life is an ongoing lesson and the more we can do to help that process along, the better we will be equipped to deal with the challenges our roles throw at us. So absolutely, leadership training provides real, tangible benefits.  When past clients have been asked the survey question “Rate the impact of our leadership training” our average impact score at Elevate is above 4 out of 5.

Who should undertake Leadership Training?

Future leaders (those earmarked for future leadership positions) and Emerging leaders those who are new at leadership but already in leader roles. We also cater right up to C Level leaders with our vision and strategy workshops and one-on-one organisational coaching.

What improvements can you expect to see in a manager?

Improved confidence. Better people management and communication skills. Less stress and more motivation.

How will the training affect a manager’s team?

Better team engagement. Improved motivation. Reduced stress. Improved team performance around KPIs. Greater staff retention. Happier people in general.

What will an ROI look like after Leadership Training?

At Elevate we are madly driven by results, but some things are harder to measure than others (although we do address this as a question in our business Impact Surveys). The key impacts on ROI from leadership training come from increased revenue (better performing, more efficient teams) and decreased costs (reduced staff turnover)

Interested? Get in touch with one of our trainers today to see how we can help you.

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