How the Best Leaders Lead as the Economy Turns Back On

When a crisis develops suddenly, leaders are quick to identify the issue, isolate the impact, and take decisive action.  For a slow-moving crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be paralysing. There’s a concept in psychology called the normalcy bias.  As we are all products of our experiences, we tend to expect things in the … Read more

5 Tips on Staying Productive While Anxiety Levels Are High

5 Tips on Staying Productive While Anxiety Levels Are High - Elevate Corporate Training

By mid-April, Australia had already seen more than 60 deaths and 6,500 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19).  Just more than half of those infected had recovered.  As the numbers worldwide continued to grow and the majority of people practiced social distancing and self-isolation, anxiety levels rose incrementally.   Mental health providers saw an immediate rise in … Read more

8 Leadership Techniques That Will Inspire And Engage Your Team

8 Leadership Techniques That Will Inspire And Engage Your Team - Elevate Corporate Training

One of the biggest roles leaders play in an organisation is inspiring and motivating team members to produce their best work. That means getting employees engaged and excited about the work they are doing. Employee Engagement Here’s the good news about employee engagement:  A Gallup study in 2019 showed the percentage of engaged workers that … Read more

5 Tips On Developing The Perfect Mindset For Success As A Leader

5 Tips On Developing The Perfect Mindset For Success As A Leader

Next time you put something in the microwave to cook, thank Percy Spencer. Spencer was an engineer working at Raytheon trying to develop a better way to detect enemy aircraft during World War II. In working with radio frequencies, he noticed that the device he was building had melted a candy bar that had been … Read more

The 7 big benefits of leadership training

The 7 big benefits of leadership training - Elevate Corporate Training

Robin Williams once joked before a British audience about one world leader: ‘Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. Some get it as a graduation gift.’  That sarcastic joke encapsulates one of the intangible aspects of the essence of leadership. Some leaders are born, and others do the best they can under the circumstances—and depending … Read more

9 Effective Stress Management Techniques for Leaders

Stress in the workplace may be unavoidable.  Deadlines, sales quotas, budgets, fear over job security, and performance worries can all lead to anxiety at times even in great companies.  As a leader, it’s crucial that you recognise the signs of stress and take action to prevent it from becoming a problem. The Australian Medical Association … Read more

11 Advantages of Developing a Culture of Feedback in Your Teams

11 Advantages of Developing a Culture of Feedback in Your Teams - Elevate Corporate Training

Great leaders understand that feedback isn’t about just telling people they do a great job, or letting them know when they make mistakes.  It’s about providing a consistent coaching environment to help teams improve performance.  Creating a culture of continuous growth and learning is motivational. A culture of feedback tied to strategy is a powerful … Read more

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