Elevate’s Knowledge Base
Thoughts and musings from the Elevate think tank
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Can Sales Training Help Me Make More Money?
“Not another training session,” say many salespeople when they hear there is sales training being scheduled. In fact, the people that say this are the people that likely need the training the most. If you’re asking the question about whether sales training can help make you more money, though, you’re likely not in the group that…
A Better Way to Prospect: Six Steps That Can Keep Your Funnel Full
It’s easy to put off prospecting. It doesn’t immediately rack up sales and it can be time-consuming. However, it’s critical to your success. Before you can close sales, you have to fill the funnel. And, you have to keep filling the funnel week after week. If you aren’t excited by the prospect of prospecting, you’re…
9 Tips for Managing Workplace Conflict
Conflict management is recognised as a standard leadership skill. That’s because conflict in the workplace is inevitable. Wherever people are trying to accomplish anything together, or even just near each other, conflicts naturally arise. Therefore, good leadership is not in trying to figure out how to avoid workplace conflict, which actually can’t be done. It’s…
7 Simple Sales Tips That Can Make You a Better Seller
The best salespeople are always looking to improve. As you advance in your sales career, however, you may forget that some basic building blocks form the foundation of a successful sales approach. These seven simple tips can help new sellers and experienced salespeople to improve their performance. Qualify Your Prospects You do everything right in…
How Top Sales Pros Handle Sales Objections
Sales objections are a natural reality of buying and selling, which means they are unavoidable for even the best of sales presenters. Therefore, being an successful closer requires skills beyond presentation of product features and benefits. Strong closers must also be proficient in managing sales objections that are bound to come up in a significant…
Why Is It so Hard for Executives to Delegate?
You know you can’t do everything yourself. There aren’t enough hours in the day to take care of everything and you also know you’ve got bigger things to worry about. So why is it so hard for executives to delegate? You know you can do the job better than anyone else. Delegating may equal accepting…
9 B2B Closing Techniques That Work
Before you can even think about closing a sale, there’s work you need to do first. Unless you have some incredible offer that’s just too good to pass up, you’ve got to get the fundamentals down first. Do your due diligence. You need to put in enough time and effort to uncover the underlying factors…
What Makes a Good Salesperson? The 11 Traits They Share
Sales is about connecting with people, gaining their trust, and finding the right solution to solve their problems or fill a need. That goes beyond being a people person that can talk to anyone or simply being enthusiastic. How To Be A Good Salesperson Being a great salesperson takes a combination of skills and discipline. While…
What Makes Great Leaders? Nature vs Nurture
As the natural potential for leadership success is inherent in every person, that means the essential traits for effective leadership are naturally within people who seek leadership careers. So, there’s no cause to question whether an individual naturally has “what it takes” to lead effectively. The answer can be found in another question, “What does…
Leadership Accountability Pays Off Big
There’s a vast difference between believing in accountability in theory and actually admitting fault in practice. The temptation to shift accountability can be overwhelming when oncoming stakeholders are moments away from fully blaming you for some failure or impactful mistake. It’s definitely a moment that calls for a leader to tap his or her inner…
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