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Sales Scripts That Lead to Call Backs
Despite the emergence of the internet as a research tool, 92% of B2B customer interactions still happen over the phone. Getting potential customers to return your phone calls, however, is increasingly difficult. Caller ID has helped consumers block robocalls, but it’s also made it easier for Executives to dodge calls from sales reps when they…
Advanced Sales Training Ideas For Your Best Sellers
“I’ve been doing this for years.” “I know what I’m doing.” “I’ve done sales training before.” There are plenty of excuses experienced salespeople will give for why they don’t think sales training is going to help them. To put it bluntly, they are wrong. Experienced sellers can benefit from advanced sales training that can sharpen…
11 Advantages of Developing a Culture of Feedback in Your Teams
Great leaders understand that feedback isn’t about just telling people they do a great job, or letting them know when they make mistakes. It’s about providing a consistent coaching environment to help teams improve performance. Creating a culture of continuous growth and learning is motivational. A culture of feedback tied to strategy is a powerful…
9 Tips for Good Leaders To Improve Their Persuasion Skills
U.S. President, Lyndon Johnson famously said, “The only real power available to the leader is the power of persuasion.” He wasn’t wrong. Success as a leader hinges on learning to persuade people at work to buy into your plans and take actions you want them to take. Therefore, your leadership development program should include building…
18 Sales Strategies That Help Increase Product Sales
Nurturing a prospect through the buying journey and finally getting that sale can be a rewarding experience. It’s the end game that reminds you all that work you put into the sale was worth it. It can also be frustrating and difficult. There are steps you can take to make it easier and improve your…
6 Recruiter Tips On How To Better Coach Your Candidates
Whether you’re actively recruiting for an open position, trying to sell potential candidates on a particular job, or preparing candidates for interviews, you’re playing the role of a coach. With an employer, you’re coaching them on the realities of the marketplace, the talent pool, and what it’s going to take to find the ideal candidate. …
The 10 Traits To Look For In An Executive Coach
When you’re in an executive position, it can be difficult to maintain your objectivity. Even if you have a management team you trust, it’s not always easy to see what’s happening around you. Getting outside expertise from an objective source can help you grow personally and professionally. Businesses spend a lot of time and money…
15 Ways Great Leaders Manage Team Stress
Some team stress at work is to be expected. Plus, people do bring their personal stresses to work with them. But, a prolonged high level of job-induced stress is a problem that leaders need to address. Such stress is harmful to employees’ health and to business performance. This is why the best leaders include learning…
8 Ways Great Leaders Help Improve Employee Engagement
When it comes to your workforce, employee engagement is crucial to productivity. It’s also important to retain quality team members. A study of employees discovered that three-quarters of employees report they aren’t looking for a new job, but they would be open if the right opportunity arose. Another study showed that nearly 80% of employees…
The 12 Characteristics of a Good Sales Trainer
When it comes to improving sales performance, sales training is a crucial tool to grow your team’s sales skills and sales techniques. When you are evaluating what type of sales training you need, you need to know that sales training programs can vary greatly. Studies show that sales training results in significant ROI. Business consulting…
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