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Top 14 Advanced Communications Skills Leaders Need
Skilful management of challenging interactions is a leader’s brand. But, it’s not about publicly issuing directives and enforcing conformance. Those are the tasks of a functionarial overseer. A leader must learn advanced communication skills, to help people recognise their ability to accomplish more than just meeting requirements. To succeed, leaders need to know how to…
Leading With Mindfulness: 7 Reasons Why Being Present In The Workplace Matters
Good leaders care about workplace culture, while great leaders work to create workplace culture. There’s a difference between the two, and mindfulness can play a huge part in that. Improving what exists and working to create a new norm in the office are two vastly different tasks, with the latter being more effective than the…
Top 11 Self-Development Skills for Leaders
Organisational leadership is a very broad field of study, encompassing numerous skill sets, each of which includes a multitude of individual task-specific management skills. Effective leadership also entails a wide range of leadership qualities, which are largely self-developed personal attributes. Learning all there is to know about it is a lifelong proposition. So, along your…
Building Resilience in Sales: Embracing the No
For every sales win, there are plenty of losses. The best salespeople learn to accept that it is simply part of the process. It is about building resiliency and learning to embrace the no. Even when you do not close the sale, there is always something to learn. Building resilience in the workplace is crucial to success in…
12 Things Good Leaders Do Every Day
The best leader organically shapes the workplace culture by exemplifying the habits he or she hopes to inspire in the team. A leader’s skills are developed through leadership training and experience. Good leaders learn to conduct business communications, solve problems, organise, motivate, elevate quality and make myriad good small and large decisions under pressure in any…
7 Proven Techniques to Hiring Senior Level Employees
When you are recruiting senior-level employees, the stakes are higher. There are typically fewer qualified candidates and the impact of the hire for the company you’re working for will be bigger. As a recruiter, it’s your agency and your personal reputation on the line. If you want to increase your odds of success, you’ll need…
7 Things All New Sales Professionals Need to Know
Congratulations on your decision to become a sales professional! Sales is one of the most exciting, gratifying, and financially rewarding careers in the business sector. The freedom of being in control of your own activities and your own success can be the most fun work lifestyle. On the other hand, the inevitable early failures, followed…
6 Ways Executive Coaching Will Help You Succeed
As an executive, your ability to influence others will have a dramatic impact on your organisation’s performance. This power can lead to positive or negative results depending on how it’s used. Executive coaching can help identify the key skills you need to possess in order to take your career and your business to the next level. Executive…
11 Differences Between a Boss and a Leader
What is leadership, and what is it to be just management? Leaders guide and inspire. Bosses are more functionarial, merely managing tasks and keeping count of basic outputs, vs. creating value. Leaders influence. Bosses exert authority. The motivations of leader vs boss manifest in their behaviours toward employees. A leader aims at guiding the organisation…
For Leaders, Coaching May Be the Most Important Thing You Do
Coaching is an essential tool for achieving business goals, but that doesn’t mean it’s always instinctive for leaders. Leaders are used to taking charge and guiding team members. Coaching uses a slightly different set of skills. Great coaches do more asking and less telling. And a leader who takes the time to learn how to…
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