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Why Leadership Is Never About You

Dan Norich
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Home » Leadership » Why Leadership Is Never About You

Simon Sinek’s idea, “Leaders Eat Last”, hits the nail on the head: real leadership isn’t about you. It’s about helping others grow and succeed. When you focus on lifting others up, you end up getting what you need in return.

Think about it: when you put your team’s needs first, you create a positive vibe that spreads throughout the group. People feel supported and appreciated, which makes them want to give their best.

So, how can you shift from thinking about yourself to helping others? From years of leadership training research, here are our top tips.

Listen Up

Really hear what your team members are saying. Show interest in their goals and challenges. Instead of just nodding along in meetings, ask specific questions about their projects and listen to their feedback. For example, if someone mentions struggling with a particular task, offer to brainstorm solutions together. It’s important to schedule regular one-on-one check-ins to discuss their career aspirations and any obstacles they’re facing. This shows that you care about their personal and professional growth.

Empower Your Team

Give your team the freedom to take on responsibilities and make decisions. Trust them to get the job done. Assign team members to projects they’re passionate about and let them make key decisions, supporting them when needed.

Be Supportive and Recognise Efforts

Provide the tools and guidance they need to succeed. Celebrate their wins, big or small. If someone on your team is working late to meet a deadline, offer them a small gesture of appreciation, like a coffee or a thank-you note. Acknowledging their hard work goes a long way. Another example could be when a team member achieves a milestone, whether it’s completing a big project or learning a new skill, recognise their effort publicly. A shout-out in a team meeting or a post on the company’s internal platform can boost morale and motivation.

When we adopt a mindset of serving others and contributing to their professional growth, we naturally attract what we need in return. By focusing on how we can support and uplift others, we create a positive ripple effect in our teams. Helping others isn’t just a leadership skill – it’s a life skill. The more you give, the more you get back. Embrace generosity and watch how it transforms your relationships, productivity and overall happiness.

How can you shift your focus from self-concern to helping others today? How might this attitude attract opportunities and fulfillment into your life, professionally and personally?

To further support your journey in becoming an exceptional leader of high-performing teams, I invite you to schedule a complimentary 15-minute virtual consultation with me. During our chat, we will explore tailored strategies and solutions to help your organisation thrive.


Interested? Get in touch with one of our trainers today to see how we can help you.